Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 16 - Wednesday, 10/6/10

This morning I got a ride from Stephanie to work, which totally rules because we work really close to each other but usually do not carpool because our hours are different. With her assistance, I actually got to work on time for a change. Hello!

It was a beautiful day.

To get home that evening, I decided to take the FREE Charm City Circulator to Penn Station and then hop on the Hopkins shuttle to get home (or at least closer to my house). As I was walking to the Circulator stop, Lauren drove by and asked if I wanted a ride. I got in her car, where three other co-workers were carpooling and we drove to Mt. Vernon.

I then walked towards Penn Station and came upon these gems:


Anyway, after taking the Hopkins shuttle and walking home from the stop I got on my bike and headed to Rocket to Venus to celebrate Moira's 26th birthday. Stephanie and Rufus left our house in a car at the same time as I did on a bike and guess what... we got there at the same time, actually they walked in a couple minutes after me because they had to find parking. You know where I park? Wherever the hell I want to, that's where.

I had to head out after 10 mins because Aran and I were playing a show that night so I booked it from Rocket to the Annex in record time taking Falls Road. It was very dark and creepy but a real nice ride.. I really should get lights of some kind because I am basically invisible at night on my bike. The show was really awesome Showbeast did a live puppet set and showed a video and Alexis Gideon performed this epic live/animated story that you can learn more about here. It was a fun night. After the show, I walked over to Joe's.

This is a great Alexis Gideon video:

This is one of my favorite Showbeast videos:

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